Wholesale Live Fishing Bait (Maggots)
and Disposable Pollinators (Blue Bottle
Forked Tree Ranch is one of the largest growers and
distributors of live organically grown fishing bait maggots/spikes
in the United States, providing top quality bait
maggots year-round.
We also offer blue
bottle flies for pollinating purposes, in large and
small quantities. Our flies have been used
successfully in research seed pollinating, cage
pollinating, and on many crops where bee pollinating used to be
the norm.
You may have heard of Forked Tree Ranch when our maggot farm
was featured on Discovery Channel's "Dirty Jobs". But our
high quality maggots are just the beginning of what we
offer here at Forked Tree Ranch.
Located near the Canadian Border in beautiful Northern
Idaho, Forked Tree Ranch, Inc. is family owned, family
operated business with several branches (if you'll
excuse our pun).
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